New Year, New Polls

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Here we are in a new year, and the polls have just started to pick up after the Christmas break. Here’s all the simulations since my last post back in November.linegraph-catchup

Still pretty steady, it seems, although that definitely looks like a bulge of Labour support towards the end of December. There’s also an intriguing couple of spikes of Lib Dem support, and regular excursions to the 40-50 seat region for UKIP from their normal 20-odd result.

That means the master graph now looks like this:linegraph-master-5-jan

Labour’s got a long way to go to recover from their slump at the end of 2014, but their trend is currently upwards – likewise, the Conservatives have a lot to do to drag them back down. Meanwhile, UKIP’s burst of unpredictability centred on their defections seems to be settling down a little.

With only a few months left to go until the election, let’s take a look at the overall snapshot from the UKPR Polling Average (currently Labour 34, Conversative 31, Lib Dem 8, UKIP 15, Green 5).barchart-5-jan

Labour’s almost bang on the winning line – they had an outright victory in 44% of simulations, with all the remaining simulations returning a hung Parliament where the only plausible coalition was Lab-Lib.

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